Belief in yourself is the first step towards success. This was the first thought that I came across during my first job. It was framed on the wall. This thought got struck into my head. When I came across this thought that time I really didn't get the meaning but I have the habit of storing things in my mind and when the time comes automatically I got the meaning of this thought. I realized that whenever I achieved any success it was all started because I had believed in me that I can achieve it.
This thought is so true. When you belief that you can do something that is the start of the achieving what you want. So your success in anything depends on what are your beliefs. We should keep a check on our beliefs. If something is going wrong then I would suggest first check your beliefs i.e.; your thoughts. Write down whatever comes to your mind. Then analysis your thoughts you will automatic find where the problem lies. For example; you want to learn dance. But in past, when you dance you got criticize by your friend. And his statement got struck into your head and you drop the idea of learning dance. But every time when you see anyone dancing well you get frustrated. Why? Because you get inferiority complex that you can't dance like that. Solution to this is challenge the thought which is in your head that you can't dance well. Until you try how you know that what you are thinking is right. Go ahead and start dancing and start learning. Don't be afraid to make mistake. Find out where are you going wrong and work on to rectify it. This way you will improve.
Many people because of their limiting beliefs have not achieved what they want. And this resulted in unhappiness and frustration in such people's life. Always challenge your beliefs. Give your 100%. This way you will be sure about yourself and won't create unhappiness and frustration in your life. As you know you gave your best shot. The best way is to treat yourself as you will treat your best friend. Do you motivate your friend when he/she is down or make them feel miserable? I am sure you always try to make your friends happy. Treat yourself the same way.
Limiting belief or negative belief does no good to you, it paralyze your mind. You do nothing and automatically situations take control. That's why so much important is given to positive thinking. Positive belief opens many doors for you.