"Whatever happens, happens for good." I have heard this statement some years ago. This statement got struck in my head. I started to think about it a lot. I analyse every situation to see whether this statement hold some truth. I found mixed answers when I analyse all my past and current situations. But as time goes by, I realise that yes, this statement is correct. I came to know about this statement through a story. It was from Akbar Birbal Stories. Following is the Story:

Once Akbar the mughal emperor and Birbal, his minister were having a chat. While cutting a fruit, Akbar cut his finger slightly and was upset about it. Birbal said “Jahapana, whatever happens is for your good. Do not worry”. This irked Akbar and he wanted to score it even with Birbal. He takes him for hunting trip at the end of the day they are tired. Akbar asks Birbal to get down into an abandoned well and fetch water. After Birbal got down, Akbar pulled the rope up, said, “Birbal stay there, what ever happens is for your own good”, and left him there. Wandering in the Jungle, Akbar lost his way back and was captured by the Tribes, who decided to offer him as a sacrifice to Goddess Kali. Just before chopping his head off, one of them sees the cut on his finger, asserted that he was not perfect, and hence cannot be offered as “Bali” and they released him. Akbar realized Birbal’s words and repented for leaving him in the well and went back to get him. When Akbar explains what happened and apologizes to Birbal for his act, Birbal says “Jahapana, good that you left me, else they would have killed and offered me to kali instead of you”.

When you keep in mind things happens to us or others is for  our  own good. It helps us to be at peace with ourselves.

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